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Two Days of the Glory of God

Praise the Lord! I am just returning from The Chosen Women's Conference 2010. I tell you it was a blessing of God! God was with us from beginning until the end. Elder Gentry Richardson, Jr. powerfully ministered Friday night, his wife, Evangelist Denise Richardson, Evangelist Kathleen Jackson, (all from Bethelem Temple Church in Los Angeles), Prophetess Shelley Taylor, and I,("Morning Manna: "Have You Lost Your Appetite for God?") ministered Saturday. It blessed me to see the unity in the Spirit as I noted the confirmations between each speaker's message. That is because the Spirit of God spoke and ministered to His people through His vessels, (I glory in the Lord). Elder Gentry said it felt " like we had a week of ministry "in that very short day and a half. That is how anointed the ministry was. Truly we will never be the same. There was quality ministry, rich Word and hungry/thirsty hearts. For we had a visitation from God. That is not always the case. It is a testimony to the CW founder and humble servant of God, Evangelist Lisa Mitchell. The excellence with which the conference was presented honors God. But, the main thing was, souls were ministered to, and the coup de grace and seal of God's approval, is that a soul was baptized in Jesus' name. Glorrrrry! The Holy Spirit had free reign in the midst of Divine order. His Sprit was not quenced for there was liberty in the Spirit. I am humbled to have been a part and my spirt is leaping tonight as I ponder God's move at the CW Conference. Thank you, dear ones for your prayers! A special thanks to my pastor and First Lady, Pastor Royce and Marnisha Butler for prayer support and an encouraging note this morning. I give God the glory for the things He has done. New friendships are being forged and old friendships are being girded up with the goal being that God be glorified! I am already looking forward to next year's conference, if the Lord says the same. Enjoy the CW 2010 Conference HIGHLIGHTS at


Prophetess Vickie


Prophetess Vickie

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