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A Balm in Gilead

A Balm in Gilead

Is there no balm in Gilead?

Is there no physician there?

Jeremiah 8:22

Praise the Lord, Beloved of God,

Sometimes it can all be a bit much, can't it? We live such busy, full lives! I have many irons in the fire and the only way to keep things going is to draw on the Lord. Take tonight for instance. There are a few deadlines approaching and they all seem to want to be the priority. I turned to the Lord, "God oil the gears of my being". I could feel a peace, a calm come over me. Abba soothed me! The "Balm in Gilead" I thought. A balm... it is a soothing, healing ointment. Just what was needed for the scratchy,inflamed places. For, you see, a balm soothes an irritation. I am all right now! I can handle it now! The Great Physician Himself is my medicine. We have to look to the hills from which comes our help. Our help comes from the Lord! Stop right in the midst of whatever ails you and get back centered in Him. Discern his hovering, peaceful Presence right now ! Soothing...healing, Amen. Thank God for Jesus! Verse 19 of Jeremiah asks," Is the LORD not in Zion? Is her King not in her?" Come on, Zion! You know God is with us. And He told me years ago, " I am in the details of your life". No matter how minute or inconsequential you may think it is, God cares for you! God is with you right where you are as the Balm in Gilead. KNOW that and be encouraged. Amen.

Soul peace,

Prophetess Vickie

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