While washing dishes this morning, I was listening to the Gospel of John. A passage jumped out at me and I made a statement based on this verse: John 12:31
Amplified Bible (AMP)
Now the judgment (crisis) of this world is coming on [sentence is now being passed on this world]. Now the ruler (evil genius, prince) of this world shall be cast out (expelled).
Expelled! As an educator I thought about when a student is expelled from school. To be expelled is to be cut off from membership or relations, to be removed from the regular program, to be discharged, evicted, ejected, compelled to leave. It is not business as usual, Beloved! Whatever the enemy's "regular program" is concerning you and me he is formerly discharged! " You are expelled!", I said. "Expelled from my life, expelled from my past expelled, from my future,expelled from my finances, my health, my thoughts...in every way you are expelled!" The enemy has been compelled to leave because of the victory we have through the Lord Jesus Christ. It is a completed work. It is done! And the enemy is removed, expelled. The expulsion committee is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, Glory to GOD! Halleleujah!! We have been given power from on high, Beloved of God! As Believers, it is long past time to walk in that power and the authority given us by God, in the name of Jesus. That is another upcoming teaching. But let me just encourage you today to know, understand and realize you do have authority to "drive out" the enemy as another version reads. When he tries to rear his head, take dominion, school the adversary: "Oh,no,no,no! No you do not. YOU are EXPELLED!" Amen and AMEN.