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It IS a Wonderful Life


It IS a Wonderful Life

Peace be with you!

“Strange isn’t it? Each man’s life touches so many other lives. When he isn’t around he leaves an awful hole, doesn’t he?”- Clarence Odbody the guardian angel from the movie classic, “ It’s a Wonderful Life”. This holiday favorite is shown every year so I had NOT seen it in a while by choice. It was fresh again. That line by Clarence hit home tonight because Abba has been dealing with me even this week about life. Each of us has a God- purpose that we alone can fulfill. George, the main character in It’s a Wonderful Life wished he had never been born. He was so inundated with money, employment, and family problems, he wanted to end it all. It was not until he saw the impact of his absence from lives he had touched and positively influenced in word and deed, that he appreciated his humble life. Problems and all! When he reached the end of his rope he cried out to God, “show me the way”, and God answered his prayer. He showed him that you may not be super rich monetarily, but you DO have health, strength, wife, children, family, loyal friends, food, clothing, shelter, and opportunities for the miraculous! When all was said and done he was deemed, “ The richest man in town”. That is just a fictional story, but that was a truth. We all touch many other lives, and there is much to be thankful for. We are rich toward God! And God wants to use us right where we are in word and deed! When God told me this week, “Don’t just exist, live your life” it was a reminder to be who I am in Christ Jesus and to “live generously”. The release is there. Just Go! And that is a God thing:

Matthew 5:48 (The Message)

"In a word, what I'm saying is, Grow up. You're kingdom subjects. Now live like it. Live out your God-created identity. Live generously and graciously toward others, the way God lives toward you."

Grow-up! Be open and available. When we do this, “ live generously”, He sends people for us to “touch” with our God-infused lives. I am ministering to a lady I met in the grocery store through prayer for her sick sister. She is “ So happy” about God, as she sees her sister “feeling better” beginning to eat and recover her ability and desire to get out of bed . Father is sending complete strangers and all I had to do is live generously and point them to Jesus. He is doing the healing bless His name! Therein, is the “wonderful life” we are called to, as workers together with God. There is nothing like a praise report to encourage one! You may be thinking, “ Yes, but you are a minister, a prophetess. Look at what scripture says:

2 Corinthians 5:18 (Amplified Bible)

But all things are from God, Who through Jesus Christ reconciled us to Himself [received us into favor, brought us into harmony with Himself] and gave to us the ministry of reconciliation [that by word and deed we might aim to bring others into harmony with Him].

We have been given the “ministry of reconciliation" and we are “ambassadors for Christ” (vs. 20). THAT is a wonderful life! You need to know who you are in Christ Jesus, your “God-created identity”. If you do not know, ask Abba Father to reveal it to you. We are not here just existing! There is nothing more meaningful and fulfilling than touching another’s life for, and as led by, the Lord. It’s a wonderful life! I believe in the upcoming year Abba is requiring MORE from the people of God. It is NOT about us. It is all about Jesus! And His ultimate concern is souls in the balance. Abba has me to know my stuff is handled, now go out on assignment as it were, ready to be used whenever, wherever He says. God is looking for obedient, anointed folk like that, simply available. As we approach 2011, I want my testimony to be one of “It’s a wonderful life” because I am fulfilling Abba’s plans and purposes for my life. Don’t you? We are all in that process. We are not here just to “exist”, but to live our lives, or more specifically, to let Him live HIS life through us. It is very meaningful and exciting to “live generously” by touching others lives. Let us allow the space/”hole” we are to fill with our lives, to be filled to overflowing with the Presence of God Who dwells in us. Our very presence is to be a blessing! In doing so, we are more alive with the life of God. Amen.

It IS a wonderful life!

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